Hi Gorgeous,
Of all the boundary violations that I have ever experienced, the physical touch boundary violation is by far the creepiest.
When I say physical touch violation I'm not just talking about sexual assault. I'm talking about all the times people hugged you without your permission or when people stood too close for comfort and refused to give you space.
Personal touch and proximity boundary violations can seem harmless as it may not be the person's intention to make you feel uncomfortable. But if your stomach turns or the hairs stand up on your neck every time they come near you, it's time to speak up for yourself.
In this week's video, I discuss what a personal touch and proximity boundary violation is and various ways to express to someone that you do not want them to touch you.
Click here to watch this week's video
Watch the video and let me know in the comments if your touch or proximity boundaries have ever been crossed.
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To your Joy, Happiness, and Freedom,
Creator of Clarity, Confidence, Courage
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I am a life coach and content creator for divorced women. I focus on helping divorced women heal and rebuild their lives.
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